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Stibnite Included Selenite Crystal

Regular price 190.00

This fascinating specimen hails from a new deposit found in 2018 at the Qinlong mine in Guizhou, China. A striking combination of minerals that is, so far, unique to this location. This is a long Selenite crystal surrounding Stibnite and Limonite. A beautiful and unusual piece for any collection.

You will receive the exact Selenite shown
Size: 10.2in x .7n x .6in
Origin: Qinlong Mine, Dachang Mine, Dachang Sb ore field, Qinlong County, Qianxinan, Guizhou, China
Ships within 3 business days

Stibnite is sought by collectors and for its metaphysical properties of manifestation and is thought to be a powerful catalyst of change. Stibnite is associated with both the planet Pluto, ruler of the subconscious and the god Pluto, ruler of the underworld.Stibnite is strongly associated with the concepts of rebirth and manifestation. Stibnite calls upon the ancient powers of the underworld to bring a bountiful harvest. Stibnite is a mineral filled with potential energy. Elementally, it is a crystal of fire, its energy is one that inspires action and sparks or rekindles passions. Thought to be a stone of change, Stibnite is often used when one is working to make a significant change in themselves or their circumstances. Stibnite also has an association with luck and chance. It is said to increase co-incidence or perhaps heightens our awareness of such synchronicity.

Limonite is thought to create a secure bond to the energies of Mother Earth, helping us navigate stress and overwhelming situations with renewed confidence and optimism. Limonite is very closely related to Hematite, making a Limonite Quartz very similar to a yellow 'golden healer quartz' in terms of metaphysical properties. Golden Quartz is often used for distance healing and maintaining bonds with those who are not physically close to us.

Selenite is a clearing crystal used to absorb negativity and clear the environment of anything unwanted. It purifies the aura and is particularly useful for activating the crown chakra. Connected to the angelic realm, Selenite aids in receiving divine wisdom and messages.


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